Punarpuli sharbeth

Punarpuli sharbath /Kokum sharbath
Kokum or punarpuli is a red colured fruit used for cooking in costal Karnataka and Goa region. It is a sour fruit, usually sun dried and used throughout the year. It's botanical name is Garnicia indica. It has many health benefits. According to ayurveda it helps in reducing "pitta"
Another Maharastrian recipe using kokkum is Solkhadi.
Dried Kokum - 10 - 15
Water - 4 - 5 cups
Sugar - 10 tsp
Salt - a pinch
Soak the punarpuli in water overnight in water. (Clean the punarpuli before using). In the morning filter the Kokum. Add some more water. Add sugar and salt. Refrigerate and serve cold.
The quantity of sugar depends on how sour the punarpuli is.


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